Payment Methods & Policy

Payment Policy for Anime Loud

Welcome to Anime Loud! We're dedicated to providing a smooth and secure shopping experience. Below is our Payment Policy, outlining how we handle payments for your orders.

Accepted Payment Methods

We accept a variety of payment methods to make your shopping experience as convenient as possible:

  • Credit & Debit Cards: We accept major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
  • Shopify Payments: Secure payment processing powered by Shopify, which accepts various payment methods, including credit cards and digital wallets.
  • PayPal: If you prefer, you can also pay via PayPal, providing a safe and trusted method for online payments.
  • Apple Pay & Google Pay: For an even faster checkout, we offer Apple Pay and Google Pay for mobile users.
  • Payment Plans: At times we may provide payment plan, please read policies of the payment plan provider in full before placing your order.

Payment Security

Your security is our top priority. We use advanced encryption technologies to ensure that your payment information is safe. All transactions are processed securely through Shopify Payments or PayPal, and we do not store any sensitive payment information on our servers.

Order Processing & Billing

  • Order Confirmation: Once your order is successfully placed and payment is processed, you will receive an email confirmation. This will include an order summary, payment receipt, and expected shipping details.
  • Billing Information: When making a purchase, please provide accurate billing information, including your full name, billing address, and payment details. This helps us process your order efficiently and prevent fraud.
  • Authorization & Charges: Your payment will be authorized at the time of purchase. 


All prices on Anime Loud are listed in USD (U.S. Dollars). If you're shopping internationally, the exchange rate may vary depending on your payment method and location.

Refunds & Disputes

If you have any concerns regarding your payment, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team. For more information on our return and refund policy, visit our refunds/returns page:

Payment Issues

If you experience any issues with payment processing or have questions regarding a charge, please contact us at Our support team will be happy to assist you and resolve any concerns. You can find more contact details here:

Thank you for shopping with Anime Loud! We're excited to deliver your favorite anime merchandise right to your doorstep.